The EDC Loan Corp CARES Act Loan Fund has provided funding to help small businesses in the Kansas City area continue to finance operational expenses during this unprecedented period of economic stress due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The fund allows for low-interest rate loans with extended amortization periods of up to 10 years.
Total Bliss Massage and Float Therapy
How was your business impacted by COVID?
We were completely shut down for 2 months in 2020. When allowed to reopen under restrictions, we had to limit the number of people (clients + staff) in the building, so staggered shifts were necessary and scheduling was changed to provide as much flexibility as possible for both clients and staff. We experienced a 35-40% decline in business and still have not fully recovered, but business continues to recover to pre-pandemic levels. Some staff and clients have continuing concerns about ongoing infections and variants but we’ve heard that there’s confidence with vaccinations becoming more widely available.
Sales Central Inc.

How did the CARES Act grant assist your business?
The grant funds gave our business a “bridge” and allowed us to keep cash flow where we needed it. Funds were used to buy computers and equipment to do better Zoom sales presentations, such as lighting for video calls. Samples could be sent to clients. Sales calls were significantly different, and our business had to adapt from in-person to Zoom presentations.
Antioch Bar & Grill

How was your business impacted by COVID?
We had only been in business about 18 months when the pandemic hit in March 2020. We completely shut down for 2 months (mid-March thru Mid-May 2020). Previously, we did not offer curbside or carryout. When the business was allowed to reopen, we expanded our outdoor dining into a parking lot, offering events with bands during warm weather.
How did the CARES Act grant assist your business?
The grant funds gave us a financial cushion and, personally, an emotional boost as an encouragement that we had a good business. Funds were used to buy two large tents, pay for bands, and other equipment for outdoor music performances.