EDC Learns About Current Business Needs

In Events, KC News by EDCKC Staff

The EDC staff works hard to keep up with current business issues, industry trends, and government issues through the use of Lunch and Learn sessions.  Since 2011, various speakers have been invited to share information regarding their specialty functions.

To date, topics have included:

[list] [list_item icon=” icon-thumbs-up” hex_color=”336699″]New Market Tax Credits[/list_item] [list_item icon=” icon-thumbs-up” hex_color=”336699″]2010 Census results[/list_item] [list_item icon=” icon-thumbs-up” hex_color=”336699″]Jackson County GPS program[/list_item] [list_item icon=” icon-thumbs-up” hex_color=”336699″]Arterial Impact Fees, industry solar installations[/list_item] [list_item icon=” icon-thumbs-up” hex_color=”336699″]Potential new development projects[/list_item]


“To keep up with technology innovations and changes in business and public policy issues, we take advantage of outside specialists to inform our staff about the rapidly changing business climate.  Our staff looks forward to these events as a learning opportunity to better serve our local businesses,” says Gary Sage, Senior Business Development officer.  “We have found that the presenters also benefit as they see how their subject impacts the business climate.”

The most recent session featured the Missouri Partnership discussing new legislation related to business development, retention and attraction.  If you or your organization have information you would like to present in a lunch and learn session, please use our contact form to let us know!