Nathan Vanice comes to the EDC from his consulting business, having provided commercial real estate solutions for clients across the metropolitan area for over 20 years. He brings a diverse business and development perspective to the EDC with 10 years’ experience managing several public-private partnerships for public and private clients.

Nick Anderson is excited to join EDCKC as a Business Development Officer. Recently relocated from Detroit, Michigan, Nick led innovation and supply chain projects for Pure Michigan Business Connect – the supply chain and innovation matchmaking program for the statewide Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Working in economic development since 2013, Nick has a background in the venture catalyst sector, supplier diversity, and business attraction – and now looks forward to spreading the word about Kansas City.

David Leader has joined the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City as our new Development Services Specialist. He brings a strong background in nonprofit and program management, and an active interest in community and economic development. He recently worked at Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as a Campaign Development Manager. The UMKC Alum looks forward to supporting EDC’s land development teams.