Notice of Public Hearing
The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of Kansas City, Missouri (the “Authority”), will conduct a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on February 22, 2022, at the offices of the Authority, 300 Wyandotte, Suite 400, Kansas City, Missouri 64105 to consider the issuance by the Authority of one or more series of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (the “Series 2022 Bonds”) in the maximum principal amount of not to exceed $11,000,000. The proceeds of the Bonds will be utilized by PG/PGN, LP, a Missouri limited partnership, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri (the “Borrower”), to finance and reimburse the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping two existing buildings consisting of Palestine Gardens North Apartments located at 3220 Montgall Avenue and the Palestine Gardens Apartments located at 2627 E. 33rd Street Kansas City, Missouri, within the 33rd & Montgall Urban Renewal Area, for the preservation and rehabilitation of 118 units reserved for very low-income residents aged 62 and over and other related improvements. The Borrower is the expected initial principal user of the Project.
For further information, click here
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Meeting ID: 829 6329 2910
Passcode: 426939