TIF is excited to celebrate the success of Troost39’s most recent improvement project. The owner received $50,000 from the Heart of the City TIF plan’s commercial facade program, contributing to the total cost of the transformation of approximately $107,000.
Here’s what the owner had to say about the project:
“Our staff and customers are incredibly grateful. As individuals enter our new front doors they have this look on their faces. It, too, is one of deep pride; like when one is treated with sincere respect.
We could not have accomplished this without the work of the Heart of the City TIF Plan Advisory Committee. We thank you. This project is an example of being able to generate good when all parties — private, non-profit, volunteer citizens, and government — bring competency, establish an effective partnership and cooperate with one another. It felt more than just a business transaction. We felt a genuine sense of interest and support from all involved; that you believed in us.
One final note of appreciation. Although many people came together on this project and will be thanked as we cross the finish line, I wish to acknowledge one in particular at this time — Steve Reynolds. My father defined the quality of a person by how he/she “shows up and stays hitched.” Steve kept showing up and staying hitched.”