Land Development
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The role of EDCKC’s Land Development partner agencies is to maximize private investment in the physical environment of Kansas City, Missouri, leading to new jobs, new tax revenues, an improved quality-of-place and increased economic dynamism. The Land Development team coordinates with partnering agencies to solve financial deal-structuring (e.g. feasibility gap) problems and perform public-side due diligence while striving to leverage the maximum amount of private investment with the least amount of public resources.
The goal of the Land Development team is to make the redevelopment process as seamless as possible and to act as a single point of entry for redevelopment projects requesting tax abatement or redirection in Kansas City, Missouri. The Land Development team is the lead implementation staff for AdvanceKC - a disciplined review process which evaluates projects based on specific financial and policy criteria. The team also serves in an advisory capacity to developers seeking market information and help with accessing non-traditional financing resources.
Developers and companies can inquire about tax incentives and credits via EDCKC’s Land Development staff listed below.
Contact the EDCKC Land Development team

Dan Moye
Vice President of Land Development
(816) 691-2134

Robert Long
Sr. Development Services Specialist
(816) 691-2104
For Tax Increment Financing (TIF) projects, contact:

Heather Brown
Executive Director of TIF
(816) 691-2109